Feature Articles

by Klaus and Adelgund (“Gundi”) Heinemann

You and I
are just like the grains of sand.
Yet with awe and gratitude we recognize
that we are part of a Grand Original Design.

There is no coincidence!
There is no failure!
There is only Love!
We are an inextricable part of the spiral toward ever increasing
Consciousness, Wisdom, Compassion, and Love.

In our lives we are given endless opportunities to discover.
The Universe resiliently provides experiences
for us to develop antennas
to perceive beyond all our conditioned limitations.

As we tune in, we will be inspired. 
We affirm that, with the unique gifts and talents given to us,
You and I are invited to co-create.

Each one of us has a significant place
in conscious evolution of consciousness.

From “Expanding Perception

This page includes a number of “White Papers” which we have written during the recent years. They cover a much wider spectrum of topics than what we discussed in our books and are intended to be read as stand-alone articles.



Clicking on the title of a paper of interest below leads to an abstract of the article. At the bottom of each abstract find a link to the actual paper.

Note added on 3/12/2023: You may notice that one feature article entitled “Get Vaccinated ! It’s Your Societal Responsibility” is now missing in this line-up. With gratitude we find ourselves at the tail end of the Covid 19 pandemic, and it is now time to transcend the division between those who favored and those who opposed vaccination. It is clearly more important that we all unite in a common goal of promoting peace and well-being on Earth at this crucial “Zeitenwende,” rather than dwelling in issues that have lost their sting at this time when we are finally approaching a state of herd immunity in the pandemic. Everyone of us — pro or anti vaccinations — has an important part in Conscious Evolution of Consciousness. Namaste.


Let Us fly !!! NEW !!!


On January 16th, 2023, Amelia Maday was awarded the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition as First-Place Poetry Awardee - MLK Jr. Committee of Santa Barbara “in recognition of outstanding and invaluable service to the community.” Amelia is none other than a 9-year old 4th grader. Her poem is a stunning testament how the world must change; and it is a most fitting introduction to this series of White Papers.

Amelia demands:

“… look at your enemies one last time and run to them as friends for life …”

and describes that, when we do this:

… peace will ripple through our oceans, crashing waves of harmony
we will revive those lying on the streets …

We will change the world

Indeed, not having demonstrated that we can learn from history, it is time that we, the ruling generation, listen to what the young among us tell us we must do.

Press here to read the entire poem.
First published on 1/11/2023

Goodness in Adversity !!! NEW !!!


The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything, save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.”

About 40 years ago, a Palo Alto, CA, based educational organization used this quote from Albert Einstein in meetings and presentations to educate about the need for growth in ethics and social responsibility. The relevance to today’s world situation is overwhelming.

We have not learned. The succession of three unprecedented world-wide survival challenges — the climate crisis, the pandemic, and the “nuclear hostage crisis” unfolding in conjunction with the Ukraine war — demand our response.

The true nature of anything is what it becomes at its highest.”
Aristotle uttered this wisdom, which bears the principle for the solution to the crises, some 2350 years ago. Meanwhile, our “left brain” has evolved to the detriment of creating the weapons that threaten to destroy all human life. But our “right brain” is still under-evolved. We still think we can resolve conflicts as we have done it 2350 years ago.

We discuss that these crises are related and are profound warning signals and offer thoughts about how we must respond.

Press here to read the entire article.
First published on 4/13/2022; revised as of 5/5/2023

Carbon Footprint Reduction !!! NEW !!!

Reduce your CO2 Emissions with Effective, Realistic, No-Nonsense Lifestyle Changes

— a properly custom-designed SOLAR PV system
— a custom-designed SOLAR THERMAL POOL or HOT TUB HEATING system
— space heating with a HEAT PUMP
— replacement of an ICE vehicle with an EV

This paper falls a bit outside of the genre of the other feature articles on this website. It deals with an engineering/science related topic and is written more in that style.


Realizing that — next to the threat of thermonuclear war — climate change has become the most detrimental threat to mankind, the goal of this White Paper is to present a “do-it-yourself” tool that any person (preferably with a passing grade in high school math) can use, free of charge, who is interested in reducing his/her carbon footprint. The tool comes in two parts: (1) an assessment of the person’s household energy usage, resulting with recommendations how to reduce this household’s CO2 emissions, and (2) specific basic design specifications and performance predictions of a solar PV system, and/or a solar thermal system for swimming pool heating, for the person’s residence, with concrete numbers by how much their CO2 footprint could thus be reduced. This design specification can then be used to assess the merits of a quote received from a contractor competing for the installation of the PV or solar thermal system. As by-products, the benefits in terms of carbon footprint reduction from purchasing an EV, from changing to electric home heating/air conditioning (via a heat pump), and from using solar thermal heating (for pool and spa) are being quantified.

Learn more about how — and why — the EV industry portends to positively revolutionize the entire electric power industry.

Press here to read the entire [long] article.

This article links to two extensive papers:
(1) Home-Energy-Analysis for Carbon Footprint Reduction
Solar System Performance Simulation (with SOLARCALCS software by Klaus Heinemann)

First published on 4/14/2022

Home-Energy-Analysis for Carbon Footprint Reduction

Reduce your CO2 Emissions with Home Energy Use Assessment

With an interactive spreadsheet you can assess the carbon footprint of your home/household. It is designed for any typical household. By entering the data applying to your situation, you will learn how much your current carbon footprint is, and where you can implement changes that bear significant carbon emission reductions, and you will see where you are already doing well and additional changes will be of little further benefit.

(by Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D. 4/17/2022).

Press here to read the entire article.

“Will solar photo-voltaics and/or solar thermal energy collection work for you?”

A White Paper by Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D.



With a unique — commercially not available — computer program (“SOLARCALCS”), the performance of any solar photovoltaic or solar thermal energy installation can be simulated from [theoretical] first principles . The program calculates the amount of solar energy collected in 30-minute intervals, month by month, and integrates the results over an entire year, taking all relevant system parameters, weather, and site conditions into account. Using the SOLARCALCS software, it is extremely easy to analyze the effect of changing any one system parameter for design optimization purposes.

SOLARCALCS is a macro-based Excel spreadsheet and runs on a laptop computer. It can be used for any solar photovoltaic system, including single or dual heliostatic tracking, as well as for solar thermal installations, such as for solar swimming pool, spa, or domestic water heating systems. It lends itself for generating performance tables for generic systems for specific geographic locations, climates, and collector azimuth and tilt, which can then be quantified for specific collector sizes and efficiency characteristics, .

We present two generic result tables, obtained with the SOLARCALCS program, for two specific locations in California: The Sea Ranch (on the central coast), and Sunnyvale (San Francisco Bay Area). Similar tables for other locations can easily be established by users. These tables can be used as design tool for essentially any solar PV system in Northern California, without actually having to run the simulation with detailed user-specific parameters.

We then corroborated our theoretical results with detailed measured performance data obtained for several installations and found them to be so accurate that they enable valuable insights into the effect of parameters such as shading, which cannot otherwise be quantitatively assessed.

Press here to read the entire article.

The Challenge of our Time


The pandemic is only one of numerous global problems that have come to a boiling point. The devastating effects of global warming are becoming increasingly apparent. The threat of a global nuclear war is higher than it ever was since the 1962 Cuba Crisis. Our very survival as human species is being held hostage by one single fellow world citizen.

WHAT IS GOING ON? How COULD WE let this happen? All these tragedies cry out for our response. What are we doing about it? We have become numbed — numbed to perceiving where the world has come, numbed to looking at our own “footprints” in this world.

Stepping beyond this numbness is an ethical challenge of paradigmatic dimensions. It is the biggest challenge mankind ever faced. Bigger than anything humankind has ever faced in its entire history. Bigger than WW1; bigger than WW2; bigger than what we termed WW3, the Covid-19 pandemic, which has already taken over 1 million American lives; bigger even than the bubonic plague in the 14th century, which took the lives of 1/4 of the world population. The radiation and subsequent “nuclear winter” that would be unleashed when only a fraction of the nuclear arsenals of the superpowers were detonated would be cataclysmic and essentially render the entire Earth uninhabitable.


Press here to read the entire article.
First published on 7/4/2021; re-written in March, 2022, updated on 5/5/2023.

The Imperative for a Paradigm Shift in Ethics? !!! NEW !!!


In January 2020 WW III started. Not a war fought with weapons, not against another nation or group of countries, not against a rogue foreign ruler, not against a group of terrorists. None of that. It is a war against an enemy so small that it takes a sophisticated, expensive transmission electron microscope to make it visible. The enemy of WW III, the coronavirus, is practically invisible!

The Chinese symbol of the Yin and the Yang communicates that there is always an opportunity to a crisis, an “upside” after a “downside.” In this article we focus on the upside of this crisis. We ponder what we, individually and collectively, can and must learn from this pandemic. Will we learn to understand our societal responsibility? Or will we strive to revert back to “business as in the past”? Will we transform the coronavirus into a “virus of well-being” and rediscover societal and ethical values that got lost in our incessant focus on run-away materialistic growth during the last half-century?

(Press here to read the entire article;
Partially first published on 3/22/2020; re-edited on 8/7/2023

Cumulative Covid-19 incidences as of 12/15/2021.

When you google about a conceivable correlation between 5G communication technology and Covid-19, you find a multitude of links expressing strong opinions against this hypothesis. Many are outright hostile and label any person who might be seriously asking about such a correlation as an uninformed conspirator — so much so that we feel intimidated to even bring up the question. But you find also objective voices that express a legitimate concern.

Global implementation of 5G technology (March 2020)

We look at this question from a statistics frame of reference and find an alarming correlation: in many countries — not only in the developing world where standard of living and Covid susceptibility do tend to also correlate as both being low — minimal implementation of EMF-generating technologies coincides with low rates of Covid disease.

(Press here to read the entire article — First published on 12/22/2021)

“ora et labora”

The phrase “ora et labora” (Lat. for “pray and work”) is believed to date back some 1500 years to monastic practice of working and praying, generally associated with its use in the “Rule of Saint Benedict.” With this article, we desire to bring it alive in the context of the current world situation. These three simple Latin words constitute a basic guideline for conducting our lives: with gratefulness we may accept from the abundance of that which is available to us to sustain our lives, but we must joyfully work for it and not take it for granted. During the course of the last decades, the human community has lost track of this guideline. The “ora” imperative — the principle of expressing gratitude for what we have — has been replaced with the notion that we “deserve,” that we are “entitled.” This attitude has led to human societal behavior that is unsustainable. The earth is revolting. We are called to emerge from the Covid-19 crisis with a fundamental change of behavior, back from growth oriented consumerism to sustainable living.
Press here to read the entire article — First published on 4/6/2020)

Diese drei Worte (“ora et labora” — ”bete und arbeite”), die vor etwa 1500 Jahren als die „Regel des Heiligen Benedikt“ geprägt wurden, beschreiben ein Richtlinie für ein Leben, welches in der heutigen Welt aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist. Arbeiten und Dankbarkeit für die Früchte unserer Arbeit müssen Hand in Hand gehen. Die hinter “ora” stehende Haltung von Dankbarkeit für die Früchte unserer Arbeit ist weitgehend verloren gegangen. Das hat zu unkontrolliertem Wachstumsbestreben im Konsum unserer begrenzten Ressourcen geführt hat. Erinnert uns die Covid-19 Krise daran, dass wir auf eine bedarfsorientierte Weltwirtschaft übergehen müssen? Werden wir diese Herausforderung gemeinsam meistern?
(Drücken Sie hier für eine ins Deutsche übertragene Fassung des ganzen Artikels).

Some thoughts about UFOs and ETs 

We are asking what the chances would be for highly evolved physical/biological life to exist, at this very point in cosmic time, anywhere in the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond in the universe, and what the probability might be for humankind to be able to establish contact, i.e., physically meet up with them.  We conclude that there is an overwhelmingly high probability that many such highly evolved civilizations do exist elsewhere in the Universe, but that it will essentially never (with a probability of about 10-11) be possible for our human civilization to have physical encounters with any civilization outside of our planet.  Existence and being able to make contact are two very different propositions. The former is essentially certain, the latter is essentially impossible. 

There is an overwhelming record of credible UFO and ET encounters, and we conclude that they must all be considered of phenomenological nature.  Similarities with Spirit Orb phenomena are examined and striking, and we suggest that both classes of phenomena, Orbs and UFO/ET, are well-intended attempts of conscious beings on the other side of the veil to communicate help and well-being toward mankind. 

The basic contents of this article was inicorporated in the 2019 book “Phenomena - Code of the Grand Original Design.”
(Press here to read the entire article)

Orbs in Video Recordings  

Our research into the orb phenomenon started in 2004 and led to the publication of our books “The Orb Project” (2007) and “Orbs, Their Mission and Messages of Hope” (2010).  Both books are available in numerous languages. At the time, orb photos were almost exclusively taken with dedicated “point-and-shoot” digital photo-cameras with CCD charge plates. These cameras were (and are) readily available for about $100-200 and have a strong built-in flash. Pictures were typically in the 1-3MB range. More recently, the technical advancement and pricing reduction of smartphones and, in particular, video surveillance cameras enticed more and more people to purchase and use such video recording equipment, and people started seeing orb phenomena recorded with them. 

We have taken a closer look at orbs photos and footage obtained with iPhones and surveillance cameras and present some findings in this article.

The basic contents of this article was incorporated in the 2019 book “Phenomena - Code of the Grand Original Design.”

See also the white paper “Some Reflections about the Authenticity of Orbs” (below).

(Press here to read the entire article)
here to see an analyzed 90-second video)

Some Reflections about Authenticity of Orbs  

The subject of authenticity of orb recordings is of primary importance to critics. We have addressed this subject at length in our previous publications, including the books “The Orb Project” and “Orbs, Their Mission and Messages of Hope.” In these publications, we have intuitively assumed the following Webster definition of what we mean when we talk about orb authenticity: “Worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact.” With regard to orbs, this has been understood by critics as meaning that an orb is authentic only if its appearance cannot be explained with conventional wisdom that is based on rigorous scientific research. If, for example, it can be demonstrated that an orb-like feature can be explained as due to flash reflection at a dust particle near the camera lens, or a light reflection in the camera, or some other explainable camera or photographic defect, this feature would be categorized as “non-authentic.” Such non-authentic orbs would then be entirely discarded, and no meaning would be associated to them. In this article we discuss that this criterion for authenticity of orbs is limiting and insufficient ....

In this article we also discuss that, if a photo was taken in such a way that a bright light source was somewhere in the photographed field of view, a “strange” feature is often seen in a diagonally opposite location in the photo. For an iPhone, this feature is a small blue-green dot, and it is often interpreted as an orb. Such features are not orbs. But they are not necessarily meaningless.

The basic contents of this article was included in the 2019 book “Phenomena - Code of the Grand Original Design.”

(Press here to read the entire article, which includes photos)

Conclusions from Research into Phenomena

In this article we first present recent developments in orb phenomena recordings with surveillance cameras.  We then attempt to draw conclusions from looking at commonalities between a wide spectrum of phenomena recordings, going far beyond just orbs and including other photographic phenomena and even vastly different phenomena such as crop circles, apparitions, and more.  Specifically, we look at a hypothesis that these are different attempts from conscious entities in the "reality beyond the veil" to get our attention for important messages. 

The basic contents of this article was included in the 2019 book “Phenomena - Code of the Grand Original Design.”

(Press here to read the entire article, which includes photos)

Sounds and Colors 

Sound therapy is a recognized form of therapy for certain health challenges. But the sound frequency that is most effective for one person is not necessarily the best for another person. We are all different, and some sounds are more congenial to us than others. Sound therapists will be able to narrow down the best frequencies for their clients.

Sound is structured in octaves. For example, the basic octave of sounds, starting with the concert "a4" (440 Hz) and ending with the "a5" (880 Hz), contains 12 tones on which essentially all traditional music is based. Similar sounds having a higher or lower frequency are simply an octave higher or lower, but essentially sound the same — just like in soprano, tenor, or bass. Similar to sound, colors are also based on frequencies, only at much higher octaves. It can be shown that the visual spectrum of color waves is 40 octaves higher than the basic sound spectrum. This is the basis for a correlation between sounds tones with colors. For example, an "a4" corresponds to the color orange, a "c4" to green, an "e4" to violet, and alike. Such a correlation suggests that sound therapy could be likened to, or perhaps replaced with, color therapy — a harmonic chord with a bouquet of flowers ...
(Press here to read the entire article)

AWE -- Accelerated Well-being Experience: Why this name?

We chose this name for our Healing Guidance activities because we deeply resonate with the notion that every healing we humans experience -- in fact, the very cause that we are alive -- is an AWE-inspiring gift from the divine dimension. (Press here to read more).

"Why Visit the Casa de Dom Inacio"

In this article Klaus and Gundi candidly respond to the question:  "Why do you travel so often to Abadiania?" They describe how they first came to the decision to travel to Abadiania in 2004 with a large group of people associated with the spiritual teacher Ron Roth, and how this travel sparked an ongoing commitment to lead groups of people to experience first-hand the life-changing atmosphere in this small Brazilian town, where the Casa de Dom Inacio de Loyola is located. 

(Press here to read the entire article or download it at no charge).

Note: Press here to access information concerning the changes that have occurred at the Casa de Dom Inacio since 7 December 2018.

"The Oneness Principle"

Klaus and Gundi elaborate on their understanding of the Oneness Principle: 
"We Are: One Earth, One Humanity, One Spirit, part of One Grand-Original Design."
They argue that living in accordance with this principle rigorously requires re-consideration of our approach toward teaching and practicing spiritual healing. 

A spiritual healer is an instrument for the 4th-dimensional ("divine") healing energy (“prana”) to flow through to the patient. Healing is based on energy that is free and abundantly available for everybody. Numerous "alternative healing" modalities are being offered, often at considerable 3rd-dimensional effort and expense to the recipient. The challenge will be to differentiate between the teaching of a method for the patient to tap into the Field of Unlimited Potential and the patient's acceptance of the free healing energy when it comes to charging for these efforts.  

(Press here to read the entire article or download it at no charge)

"The Orb Phenomenon: Bridging to the World Beyond?"

In 2012 Klaus was approached by the Dean of the College of Psychic Studies in the UK to write a review article in the journal "Light" about our current understanding of the orb phenomenon. The article was published in Light, Vol. 134, No. 1, Spring 2013, with this summary:

Since the advent of the digital camera, the proliferation of ‘light circles’ mysteriously appearing in photographs has risen to remarkable levels. These ‘orbs’ are now the subject of intense debate, and Dr. Klaus Heinemann has become one of the world’s leading experts on the subject, drawn from his own personal work and dedication as revealed in his various publications, referenced in this article. For several decades, Dr. Heinemann has concentrated on mending the commonly perceived rift between science and spirituality. We are delighted he has accepted our invitation to write this comprehensive update for Light in which he expresses his conviction that orbs are nothing less than emanations from spirit beings.

(Press here for the entire article, including photos, or to download it at no charge).

"Healing Stories Experienced at the Casa de Dom Inacio"

We have personally witnessed numerous profound healing stories in conjunction with our work as Guides to the Casa de Dom InacioIn this article we present a few of them.  They are excerpted from our book "Expanding Perception -- re-discovering the Grand Original Design."
Read stories about:

  • The contractor who was freed from his back pain

  • First-time experience of the powerful energies at the Casa de Dom Inacio

  • Release of Allergies and Scar Tissue

  • Powerful healing received from a distance

  • Manifesting Material Necessities

(Press here to read the stories)

"Phenomena Stories Experienced at the Casa de Dom Inacio"

We have also personally experienced several convincing, unique phenomena around the Casa de Dom Inacio. The following three stories are excerpted from our book "Expanding Perception -- re-discovering the Grand Original Design."

  • Do not be afraid! Do not worry! A prophetic message for 2012

  • "Anecdotal" interest in a radio interview

  • Ron Roth as Entity?

(Press here to read the stories)

"Which Healing Modality is the Best?"

Should we sign up for a Reiki treatment?  Or Quantum-Touch?  Or Matrix Energetics, ... Pranic Healing, Yuen Method, which one is the best?  Which modality should I choose?  This is a common question people ask. Understandably, they want the best, nothing but the best! In this article, we discuss this question from the perspective of the difference between "third-dimensional" and "forth-dimensional" understanding of reality. Part of this discussion is excerpted from our book "Expanding Perception -- re-discovering the Grand Original Design."

  • Differentiating between “Third-dimensional” and “Fourth-dimensional” Reality

  • The Field of Unlimited Potential

  • Where does Healing Originate?

(Press here to read the entire article)

"Differentiating 3rd and 4th-Dimensional Realities"

How important are the hand positions in Reiki? The pills prescribed at the Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania, Brazil, are inert ground passion flower leaves -- how can they heal? Isn't blessed water nothing but H2O? How can it be any better than Crystal Springs water?  Quantum-Touch or Matrix Energetics, ... or Pranic Healing, Reiki, Yuen Method — which one is the "best" healing modality? How should I pray? How long do I have to pray for my wishes to come true?

These are common questions people ask. In this article, we discuss them from the perspective of our understanding of the "3rd" and the "4th" dimensional realities.
(Part of this discussion is excerpted from our book "Expanding Perception — re-discovering the Grand Original Design).

(Press here to read the entire article)

Other Lectures, Interviews, Feature Articles:

Ancient hieroglyphs on the outside wall of the Library of Alexandria, Egypt

Ancient hieroglyphs on the outside wall of the Library of Alexandria, Egypt

All information on this website is copyrighted. 2016-2021

All information on this website is copyrighted.