Inspirational Quotes

Principles to Live by:

Affirm the existence of a Power Greater
Discover how to love in every situation
Acknowledge, surrender, and learn from resistance
Work with others to be a vehicle of conscious evolution.

(Inspired by Creative Initiative Foundation, 1980s)

The words we express in this page are received from the infinite field of wisdom which is all around us and permeates all of us. We share them for healing and guidance on the journey through this incredible AWE experience which we call life.  We preface this page with the poem “Let Us Fly” by 9-year Amelia Maday. The profundity of her words leaves little doubt that it was inspired from “somewhere in the Reality Beyond.”

Klaus and Gundi, January 2023

Congressional Award-winning Amelia Maday. Photo by Ethan Maday (her 11-year old brother)

On January 16th, 2023, our 9-year old granddaughter Amelia Maday, a 4th-grader in Santa Barbara, California, was awarded the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition, as First-Place Poetry Awardee “in recognition of outstanding and invaluable service to the community,” for this poem (verbatim copied):


It is time to fly
I made wings for the world so we can fly
Rise together as one, stronger than before
We will climb the hill of injustice and reach victory peak
We will cry no more for justice, and peacemaking will take charge
Not leaving one behind, what the world deserves, we deserve
It is time to fly 

It is time to soar
Speaking our minds about the world will put us at an advantage
Our nation, once divided cannot be mended like the way it was before
There will always be a scar, a scratch that was too deep to heal completely we can close the gap
We all will be ready to make a mark on our concrete perspectives
Through time we can together
But we cannot wait, we waited to change but we never got close enough, that was how it was,
we’ve waited enough.
It is time to soar

It is time to change
If our minds remain unchanged
Our nation will crumble as we will realize the structure wasn’t secure enough to hold our hatred.
Nobody even glanced at the blueprint  
The atmosphere is selfish and dishonest as is and if we add more terror we will fall down again
and it will be harder to come to our feet once again, regain balance
Our nation was supposed to be united, like we were named will you notice, before this fire burns
the embers to ashes, we won’t fall again
It is time to change

It is time to be passionate
We cannot live another day full of this hate, so strong some are forced to the streets begging for
food, water, shelter, the basics of survival that everyone deserves
We need to realize poverty is surrounding some from every angle and they can’t break free
You need money, money does not hold us together, it pushes us apart, you said money held it
together you are wrong it makes people live unhealthy and forgotten about by many
Like you are trapped in an empty room, despair, cut off from all your relations and happiness
You can’t help yourself, but we can together if they will.
It is time to be passionate  

It is time to realize how it could’ve been and how it is to this day
This world is a burning ball of injustice, one fire extinguisher won’t do enough to douse a flame
We will rise together, help each other, nobody needs to blow and worsen the flames
Life is a marathon full of choices, someone falls you stop to help, won’t leave us behind, won’t leave you behind
One person can be the change, change can be a boomerang,
people from Idaho to New Hampshire need to hear your words
You will speak, I will listen. We will change together
It is time to realize how it could’ve been and how it is to this day

We will change in time
Maybe a year from yesterday or a day after tomorrow, we will change
It is a ripple in the pond, you tossed a rock, change laps the bank of the world
Peace is something we should be, not we pray for, cry for, and fight for
We all deserve to live our life to a full extent
If everybody but you changes the way they live to help others live and you don’t,
We haven’t made an impression, you don’t press once for a mark
Just for a day we will soar, not a care in our perfect world
This life will come sooner if we stand together
We will change in time

We will change the world
When we do nobody will be the wiser, peace will ripple through our oceans, crashing waves of
harmony, we will revive those lying on the streets.
There never will be a time when those wings can’t help us fly, we are waiting for you, I cannot wait decades.
Change will come when we call it forth, look at your enemies one last time and run to them as friends for life
Today is the day
We will change the world

We can, we will
Let us fly

We may add quotes to this private page from time to time as we are guided to do so. New additions are always placed at the top below the green bar, pushing previous postings down, so they will remain in chronological order -- not in order of significance. Some blips are written more from Klaus' perspective, others from Gundi's -- feel free to scroll down ... You are welcome to bookmark this site and share it with your friends. 

The basic tenet of the religions of the world revolves around the commandment:
Treat your fellow human being as you want to be treated yourself.”

Hinduism: Do not onto others what would cause you pain if done to you.
Judaism: What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man.
Buddhism: Hurt not others in ways you yourself would find hurtful.
Taoism: Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.
Christianity: All things whatsoever you would that men should do onto you, do ye even so onto them.
Islam: No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.

But the people of our world misinterpret the true meaning of the words “others, fellow man, neighbor, men, brother,” which all stand for “human beings,” and arrogantly exclude those who do not belong to their religion from being the intended object of this commandment, and they thus tragically justify the most inhumane warfare. They worship an invisible God but fail to understand that by their destructive actions they destroy that which they worship.

“Our Father/Mother, whose divine love, presence, energy fills the entire Universe.
May we take this energy into our being, for it to reside in us at all times.
Let your authority, your power, your presence, your Spirit come forth in me now.
Let it be in this world of matter as it is in the world of Spirit.
You do give us this day that which we need to feed our emotions, our bodies, our relationships, every aspect of our life. That is the “bread” you give us.
You forgive us in the very same way as we forgive others. The energy that goes out in our forgiveness of others comes back to us many-fold.
And being a loving Spirit, a loving Father, a loving Mother, you do not let us become attached to superficial things, but you separate us from anything that might hold us back from loving, caring, acting with compassion.
You are and hold the eternal power and wisdom.
Sealed in faithfulness.”
According to Ron Roth

"We can reject everything else: religion, ideology, all received wisdom. But we cannot escape the necessity of love and compassion. This, then, is my true religion, my simple faith, In this sense, there is no need for temple or church, for mosque or synagogue, no need for complicated philosophy, doctrine, or dogma. Our own heart, our own mind, is the temple. The doctrine is compassion. Love for others and respect for their rights and dignity, no matter who or what they are: ultimately these are all we need
The Dalai Lama

We are part of a consciousness-evolving universe, part of a “Grand Original Design that evolves itself, designed such that each element in it — that includes you and me and every human being — contributes to the further enhancement of the Whole. This means: You and I are designed to be instrumental in further evolving GOD.

The grandeur of the
Grand Original Design, which is underlying the creation of the entire universe, is unfathomable. It involves not only “our” humanity but countless other conscious civilizations anywhere in our galaxy and in the universe at large. But the Design includes that one will never meet another. This is awesome. The entire universe is designed to evolve its creator.
From “Imagine,” p. 326

Consciousness has nothing to do with size. The microcosm and macrocosm are equally significant, equally powerful, equally influential.
From “Imagine,” p. 342

Without the individual freedom to choose the wiser alternative, there would be no possibility for us to grow in consciousness, which is the goal and purpose of the human life experience.
From “Imagine,” p. 342

We must live with more love and compassion for one another and for the Earth than we have done in the past. If we do this, the Earth will joyfully provide plentiful living conditions for all of us humans on it, now and in future generations. May we all be joyful participants in this paradigm shift.

We believe that GOD wills the cooperation of the nations, races, and religions.
We believe that faith is stronger than fear, love is stronger than hate.
It is more gratifying to share than to be greedy.
Right is stronger than might.
We, the people of the world, unite under GOD to change the course of history.
We declare that we are subject to a Higher Power,
able to give us light, strength, and courage to act.
We are committed to change the present drift of history
from doom, death and hell to beauty, life, and heaven.

Emilia Rathbun, 13 May 1976

How many more reminders is the
Grand Original Design going to have in store for us before understand? So far, we have received countless benign signals like apparitions, UFOs, orbs, crop circles, NDEs, and many more, similar phenomena. And since none of these have really worked to grab our attention so far, we are now also receiving more “serious” physical reminders, such as fire storms, heat waves, droughts and floods, famines, even a pandemic, and the real threat of thermonuclear warfare.

The adventure of life has a deeper purpose, which is intimately connected with making relationships work.
Change your value system. The Planet Earth is given to you for a purpose. It is your opportunity for growth in consciousness.

And the people stayed home; and read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And they listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the Earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully.”
From “Dream of the world after Covid” by Kitty O’Meara (published on 3/18/2020, the day when the first pandemic lock-down became effective)


The poem below is the motto of the Schutte family in Germany and dates back centuries. (See HERE for more details).

With gratefulness we may accept from the abundance of that which is available to us to sustain our lives, but we must joyfully work for it and not take it for granted.

GOD is more than some sort of invisible super-human figure somewhere in the endless skies above or beneath us. It cannot be that GOD loves some people and condemns others; Divine love is indiscriminately extended to every person. There is no distinction between heaven and eternal condemnation where some people’s souls might find themselves after death. Theey are human constructs. These are irrefutable truths!

THE “OUR FATHER” (after Ron Roth, ~2000):
Our Father/Mother, whose divine love, presence, energy fills the entire Universe.
May we take this energy into our being, for it to reside in us at all times.
Let your authority, your power, your presence, your Spirit come forth in me now.
Let it be in the world of matter as it is in the world of Spirit.
You do give us this day that which we need to feed our emotions, our bodies, our relationships,
every aspect of our life. That is the “bread” you give us.
You forgive us in the very same way as we forgive others.
The energy that goes out in our forgiveness of others comes back to us many-fold.
And being a loving Spirit, a loving Father, a loving Mother,
You do not let us become attached to superficial things, but you separate us from anything that might hold us back.
So be it !

Your soul has a mission to explore. When the world gets noisy and abrasive, don’t forget your inner guidance system, beauty, and resilience. Go inside or go into nature to reconnect with that part of yourself. There is so much more waiting to unfold. Good stuff, expansive, fulfilling and fun. Wipe the dust from your glasses, and allow yourself to recognize who you really are.
(from Project Happiness)

Listen to this 10-minute podcast by Connie Maday, titled “
Wisdom from my Mom.”
If you are age 20 or 40 or 80 or beyond, you won’t want to miss this tribute to a mother, not just on this one day of the year that is artificially dedicated as “Mothers Day,” but make this wisdom part of your consciousness on every day of the year.
(From by Connie Maday).

Don’t get lost in the diagnosis, the medicine, or in the statistics about what somebody else did about
[your health symptoms]. If you don’t feel good, it’s because you’re not thinking in a way that allows the Energy to flow. You would ask,”Why does my body feel this way?” And we say, “Because you’ve had a Vibrational tug-of-war going on”… Stop looking for anything other than your mental and emotional state of being as answers to why you feel how you feel in your body. It is all vibrational – no exception! And when you get that, then it doesn’t matter what diagnosis has been given to you – it doesn’t matter – it’s temporary.
(Adapted from a wisdom statement by Abraham/Hicks, 2002).

You don’t have to go back in time and deal with childhood issues. Those childhood issues produced a vibration within you that is still active — it is producing issues still today. You can shift your vibration a whole lot easier when you’re dealing with today’s issues, rather than trying to deal with childhood issues. It’s the same vibration. Deal with it in your now. Always ask: “Which thought feels better?”
(Adapted from a wisdom statement by Abraham/Hicks, 1999).

"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt in your philosophy."

(Shakespeare, in Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio)
The truth conveyed in this quote has not changed one iota since it was verbalized almost 400 years ago.

There are wars that are fought in the name of “God”, and prayers that say, “God is on our side,” and we [Abraham] say, "God is not on your side, nor is God on the side of those who fight against you. God does not take those sides. 
(Adapted from a wisdom statement by Abraham/Hicks, 2001).

        As you re-align with the Source of all that is, your true being, the magnificent "you" -- wondrously made with unique gifts and talents -- will radiate from you!  
        Focus on what feels good in the moment; appreciate the little things working well in your life, and allow more abundance and joy to stream toward you!
        Enjoy your aliveness and zest for living, discovering more and more of what the Field of Unlimited Potential is about to send your way, and what brings you joy!
        See others in their magnificence, and become an uplifter, inspirer, for the true, the good, and the beauty which is already abundantly present within and around you!
        Be courageous and allow your light to shine wherever you go in your home, community, and as you travel.  In your alignment with the creative energy in you, you will know when and how to take action. 
        Most importantly, focus on being and feeling good.  Appreciate generosity, and enjoy diversity being displayed in front of you. 

        Do not push against anything, for what you resist will persist.
        Treat the Earth and all living things with respect, and it will keep you healthy and happy. 
        Practice being fully present, and your joy and well-being will expand.

(These thoughts were Inspired by Abraham/Esther Hicks, Cancun, April 2016).

        Be your authentic self everywhere you go. If you are who you truly are at a party, it’s going to be a good party! If you follow your inner knowing, the food that you eat will be received perfectly by the cells of your body. Every word that comes out of your mouth will be beneficial to everyone who hears them with their ears—or with their vibration. Don’t go anywhere without reflecting your true identity. That’s what “Allowing” is. Always having your True Identity present. And then, anything else that happens is always orchestrated perfectly by Law of Attraction.
(Adapted from a wisdom statement by Abraham/Hicks, 2001). 

(excerpted from writing attributed to Steve Jobs)
        I have come to the pinnacle of success in business.  In the eyes of others, my life has been the symbol of success.  However, at this time, lying on the hospital bed and remembering all my life, I realize that all the accolades and riches of which I was once so proud, have become insignificant with my imminent death. 
        Only now do I understand that once you accumulate enough money for the rest of your life, you have to pursue objectives that are not related to wealth.  It should be something more important:  For example, stories of love, art, ... 
        No, stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being ....
        Illusions built by fame or money, like I made in my life, I cannot take with me.  I can only take with me the memories that were strengthened by love.  This is the true wealth that will follow you ....
        If you have money, you can hire someone to drive your car, but you cannot hire someone to take your illness that is killing you.  Material things lost can be found.  But one thing you can never find when you lose it: life.  Whatever stage of life where we are right now, at the end we will have to face the day when the curtain falls.
        Please treasure your family love, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbors."
(Apple founder Steve Jobs is reported to have made this profound statement in his final days.  While its authenticity is not entirely certain, the wisdom of these words is indisputable and stands on its own feet).

        We can be happy and healthy and joyful human beings,
surrounded by healthy, happy people and enjoy
healthy, life-giving relationships.
        We can live in a world with honest political leaders and institutions
carrying out their intended social purpose.
        We can live in a society where everyone experiences quality of life.

        We can achieve peak performance in our professional fields and other areas.
        We can overcome shortcomings and outdated patterns that do not serve us well.
        We can live with increased joy, creativity, abundance, and overall well-being.
        We can increase our intuitive abilities.
        We can find new ways to serve others and the whole.
        We can move step by step move toward fulfilling our highest purpose, our true potential.
        We can discover how to love in every situation.
        We can develop new ways to be compassionate with self and others.
        We can be the change we so very much desire to see in the world at large.


         Instead of pushing against things you don't like, focus on being in a receptive mode, go with the flow, and in its right timing your dreams will effortlessly come true.
(Adapted from Abraham/Hicks message, 2015)

        Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.  Without them humanity cannot survive.           (The Dalai Lama)

        Energy medicine is the future of all medicine. We’re beginning now to understand things that we know in our hearts are true but we could never measure. As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine. It’s not the mechanistic part of the joints moving. It’s not the chemistry our our body – its understanding for the first time how energy influences how we feel.”           (Dr. Oz Mehmet)

        You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.”            (Abraham - Esther Hicks, July 2006)

        There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more, any more than there is any painting that you can paint and not like and just paint over it again. There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment that make it feel like it is not so, as you have these incurable illnesses, or these unchangeable conditions. But we say, they are only "unchangeable" because you believe that they are.”
(Abraham - Esther Hicks, San Antonio, TX, April 21, 2001)

        The 'devil' is a fictional character made up (and perpetuated) by insecure humans who want to control other insecure humans. There's a lot of power in fear ..... If you understood Source, as we do, you would never fashion such fiction because there is only Well-Being that flows from that which is your Source.”
(Abraham - Esther Hicks, North Los Angeles, CA, March 06, 2004)

        Comment (by Klaus):  "We" refers to the Abraham entities. "Source" is the word used by Abraham for what humans often refer to as "God," thus giving a fitting description to this over-used and mostly mis-understood word. Indeed, how much suffering in the world could be eliminated if we, the creation, viewed God as the Source! Can a source of anything be non-loving, capricious, judgmental, ill-willed, toward that which it is the source of? Can there be anything other than wishes of Well-Being that flow from the Source?

        The Nonphysical meets the Physical here, in this place, in this moment -- always.
(Abraham/Ester Hicks, Cancun 4/14/2013)

        The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth.           (Albert Einstein)

        In the 4th century (!) there was a wide-spread movement among monks, who were tired of the hectic life in their towns and the secularization of their churches, to withdraw into the wilderness and live in seclusion, so they could better experience spirituality as their hearts desired. It was surprising that just those people who had withdrawn from "normal" life became most influential.  Multitudes of people went on pilgrimages to seek their advice."

        Sometimes it is good for us to take time out from the noises and hectic of our daily lives.  If we don't, we will get lost in the activities all around us.  We just function, but we do not live.  We are not ourselves. It can get so far that, when we take the step of going to a quiet place, we take the noises of our "world" along with us, because we find it discomforting to be confronted with that which then comes up in us. This is the true sign that it was high time for us to really take time out. 
(After Anselm Gruen, "50 Engel fuer das Jahr" (Herder Freiburg Publications, 1997).

        You are not a creator of things or a regurgitator of what someone else has created or a gatherer of stuff. You are a creator, and the subject of your creation is your joyful life experience. That is your mission. That is your quest. That is why you are here.
(Abraham-Hicks Publications, 12/27/2012)

        The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff — it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.        (Abraham-Hicks Publications, 12/6/2012)

        It has been said that the best anybody can do for himself/herself and for the world is to portray a joyful outlook on life.  This puts the ball back from the politicians or theologians into our own court. You and I and he and she have the power to make the world the place we want it to be.  It is the most long lasting power anyone can exert: to be full of joy.

        A little girl walked to and from school daily. Though the weather that morning was questionable and clouds were forming, she made her daily trek to school. As the afternoon progressed, the winds whipped up, along with lightning.The mother of the little girl felt concerned that her daughter would be frightened as she walked home from school. She also feared the electrical storm might harm her child. Full of concern, the mother got into her car and quickly drove along the route to her child's school.
        As she did, she saw her little girl walking along. At each flash of lightning, the child would stop, look up, and smile. More lightning followed quickly and with each, the little girl would look at the streak of light and smile.

        When the mother drew up beside the child, she lowered the window and called, "What are you doing?"  The child answered, "I am trying to look pretty because God keeps taking my picture."       (From Rev. Paul Funfsinn, Celebrating Life Ministries, 12/5/2012)

        Source never wields vengeance or offers punishment, for Source understands you are valuable; you are worthy; you are blessed."
        Source understands that you never get it done and you cannot get it wrong, and that even when you stand in a place that currently feels wrong, ultimately you will return to what feels right. You can return now to what feels right with an adjustment of your thought process and an adjustment of your vibration and a changing of your point of attraction and a finally letting in of the Well-Being that is flowing to you always."        (Abraham-Hicks Publications, 10/19/2012)

        Can prayer with well-meant intentions for a person have a negative effect? Can invoking the healing power from the Field of Unlimited Potential for self or others ever have an undesirable outcome? Can it be possible that one prays, or meditates, or offers one's mediumship for help from the divine dimension turn out to be disadvantageous for the subject or object of this action?  Can you pray or meditate and, because you might do it in the "wrong" form, receive a negative result?  NEVER!

        In the park today, a couple came walking the other way, and when they went by, I heard just these three words of their conversation,  "... not the usual ..."
        I came to think about it. How often to we just do the "usual"?  The vast majority of our time is spent with "the usual."  We function on autopilot almost all the time! But the "usual" is really just a filler of emptiness.  We came into this life to experience, to grow in consciousness.  Doing "the usual" is not what makes us more conscious.  True aliveness is doing the unusual, trying something new, acting on intuition, thinking new, looking at things in a new way, changing our approach, not taking things for granted, and -- yes -- even perceiving those things we do over and over again as if they presented themselves to us for the first time.   Do the unusual

        The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and science.               (Albert Einstein)

        Beauty is experienced in the discovery, it resonates with the soul and enriches us and moves us forward.

        Shortly after we had immigrated to the United States, we heard about an old wise woman whose modest living room in her home in Mount Shasta filled day by day with people from all over the Western states who wanted to listen to her simple and profound messages.  Twice we were fortunate to make the 500-mile road trip ourselves. "What you think is what you are, and what you are is what you think," is what we listened to her elaborating on for hours on end.
        Today, four decades later, this message is as powerful as ever.  Some 50 million books on and about the "Law of Attraction" have been sold that essentially concentrate on that wisdom teaching.  We can no longer say we haven't heard it!  What are we, deep inside, concentrating our thoughts on?  What do we listen to?  Whom do we listen to?  How do we set our priorities? 
        What you think is what you are, and what you are is what you think. 


        I am not more gifted than the average human being.  If you know anything about history, you would know that is so, what hard times I had in studying, and the fact that I do not have a memory like some other people do...
        I am just more curious than the average person, and I will not give up on a problem until I have found the proper solution.

        This is one of my greatest satisfactions in life, solving problems, and the harder they are, the more satisfaction do I get out of them.
        Maybe you could think of me as being a bit more patient in continuing with my problem than is the average human being.
        Now, if you understand what I have just told you, you see that it is not a matter of being more gifted but a matter of being more curious and maybe more patient until you solve a problem.  
(Albert Einstein)

... that we are, each of us, eternal souls in a temporary, physical body, here in this physical reality on a "mission" of expanding perception which we have have carefully selected before we came here, what would we do differently? 
--- How would this impact our value system? 
--- How would we value our time?
--- What impact would this have on our life priorities?
--- How would we handle our resources?
--- How would we treat those with whom we disagree?


        Spirituality is an action upon the inner knowing that there is a conscious consciousness that is superior to any human thought or consciousness capacity. It is not tied to religious practices, rites, or places. 

        Subtle energy is what directs; physical energy is what moves. They are in a symbiotic relationship. One does not replace the other but depends on it. This is what far-seeing physicians have long known: their healing efforts are, and will continue to be, required, as well as – not in place of – efforts that draw on subtle energy healing. And this is what wise alternative healing arts practitioners know: their efforts are complementary – not in place of – traditional western medical procedures. Healing professionals on both sides of the spectrum of expertise will catapult their art to new heights when they embrace this “both/and” – as opposed to an “either/or” – philosophy.
(Excerpted from "Elemente der Gesundheit" (2011)

        For the last three centuries it has been exceedingly difficult for a person with traditional Western education to accept, or even entertain, the existence of a conscious, expansive, and physically impacting realm outside of what we understand as the physical reality.
        This difficulty persists even for those of us who have, throughout our lives, at numerous times actually experienced miraculous occurrences. We may have seen wondrous physical healings in other people, or even experienced them ourselves. We may even go as far as describing them verbally or in writing as being miracles of some kind or another. We may admit that what happened occurred on intervention from some power outside ourselves. But deep down in the inner world of our minds and understanding, ... , most of us continue to cling to what we have accepted as rule that, what we cannot perceive with our senses or calculate or explain with commonly accepted scientific theories, must be dismissed as anecdotal evidence, hear-say, or perhaps alchemy or quackery, which we judge as unworthy of being entertained by an educated person.
        This “intellectual denial” of a higher reality is incredibly deep rooted. It is immensely powerful. It essentially rules our lives. It does this often with tragic consequences, because it deprives us from the immense benefits coming from being in tune with the powerful unseen reality that permeates our being. More tragically, it severely handicaps the influence from that realm on our physical well-being.
        If there is a way that we can get closer to accepting the realism of that “beyond-physical” reality, this would prepare us to more readily call on this non-physical reality in times of physical need. Perhaps, in the hour of serious illness, when our western medicine is at the end of its wisdom, a deeper realization that we are more than physical beings, bound by space and time, will be what will pull us through and give us a new lease on time and life.

(Excerpted from "Elemente der Gesundheit" (2011)

by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting, too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good or talk too wise;

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!


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