IMAGINE: Adventures of our Lives’ Journey

Who we are, and what inspired us

by Klaus and Adelgund (Gundi) Heinemann


Front and back cover pages of the book “IMAGINE.”

October 2023; ISBN: 978-0-991-1875-2-2
(currently not available for purchase)
- hard cover; 363 full color glossy pages,
- 8 1/2” x 11” full page size
- 119,000 words. 400 photos

Life is both a marvelous adventure and an invitation to co-create

In this book, which is quite personal and primarily written for our own family members, we describe the path that led us to the insights about the meaning of our lives and, collectively, of life at large within the framework of the Grand Original Design.

Nothing that happens is without meaning. What we imagine and attract with our state of being has a good chance to become realized. We describe how this law unfolded in our lives. Being able to look back on eight decades of life, filled with experiences of different cultures, religions, education, war and peace and art and philosophies, gives us a good perspective for the world view we have adopted, which culminates in the understanding that we humans — you and I and the persons we love and, yes, those we dislike — are nothing less than co-creators within that which GOD is.

Born in Germany during the most formidable war the world has ever experienced, we describe the circumstances of our upbringing, our dreams and imaginations, and the physical and spiritual paths that led us to where we are now, as elders of an eighteen-member family in California. This book, IMAGINE, reveals how the Grand Original Design, which every one of us has the privilege of participating in, orchestrates possibilities to be realized if one lets it happen. While reading our personal stories, allow yourself to reminisce your own stories, which are no less significant and reveal the golden thread of your own life, leading you from anecdotal happenings to meaningful co-creation.

In the past two decades of our lives, we have been granted insights into many phenomena that have formed our new world view. We have published these in several books (The ORB Project, EXPANDING PERCEPTION, ORBS: Their Mission and Messages of Hope, BEING THE CHANGE, and, most recently, PHENOMENA, Code of the Grand Original Design). Here, in IMAGINE: Adventures of our Lives’ Journey, we describe how and why we came to the understandings presented in these books, and why you, our family members and friends and acquaintances, were — perhaps unbeknownst to you — instrumental along the way in bringing these insights about.

Indeed, if there is one truth to convey, it would be that nothing happens without meaning. Nothing seemingly positive, nice, or good, and nothing perceived as negative, difficult, or bad; none of this is without meaning. Yet the resulting meaning is always positive, and that is probably the most significant learning from it all. We encourage you to find this out for yourself, by reading IMAGING.

While we are not selling the book “IMAGINE” to the general public, we do offer our other books (EXPANDING PERCEPTION, ORBS, BEING THE CHANGE, and PHENOMENA) to anybody who is interested. To our direct family members we offer all of them as a package, all free for the asking.

In this IMAGINE book you will learn:

  • Spirit orbs, photographic abnormalities, apparitions, crop circles, UFOs (or UAPs), ETs, are all phenomena; they are very different yet have crucial aspects in common. In IMAGINE we discuss the surprising commonalities among the phenomena we all experience, and we communicate that there is a paramount purpose why we experience them.  

  • Your life will be improved when you understand the intelligence and compassionate intent behind the phenomena you are fortunate to experience.

  • There is a credible account of a realm beyond our world. A field of unlimited potential invites us to continuously be in awe and wonder and inspires us about the mystery of the Grand Original Design of everything that is, within which we humans are co-creating. It communicates to us with a diversity of phenomenological experiences, so that each individual can best receive its messages.

  • Klaus, who wrote most of the analytical portions of this book, looks at phenomena with a heightened sense of realism. He specifically agrees that there is an overwhelmingly high probability that conscious, extraterrestrial life exists on many planets in the Universe, but he argues that the probability of physical two-way contact interaction between any of them is essentially zero and that, consequently, UFOs/UAPs and ETs must be considered to be phenomena.

  • Life matters; you are co-creator in the Grand Original Design.

  • A world built on trusting one another is needed, and it is possible. All world religions portend this as goal, yet their believers continue to miss it.

  • Many of the phenomena we may be experiencing are intended to awaken in us the confidence that the Unseen Reality provides life energy to us and sustains life at large. 

"The human is the most insane species.
He worships an invisible God; and he then destroys a visible Nature,
unaware that by doing so he is destroying the God he is worshiping."

(Adapted from a statement by astrophysicist Hubert Reeves)

This book is easy to read; the only prerequisite for optimum benefit from its content is an open mind.


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