PHENOMENA: Code of the Grand Original Design


Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D.
and Gundi Heinemann


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Below we invite perusal of the contents and sample chapters of the book. .




  • Introducing the Author of the Foreword

  • Foreword by Dr. Stanislav O’Jack

  • Preface

  • Abstract


  • A Physicist Embraces Phenomena

  • Form and Contents

  • The Grand Original Designer


  • Universal Credo

  • The Universe is Benevolent

  • Dualism Realities

  • Time

  • The Law of Increasing Consciousness

  • The Need for a New Paradigm in Scientific Research

4.        PHENOMENA

4.1  Orbs - Emanations from Spirit Entities

  • Interiorities of Orbs

  • Some Reflections About the “Authenticity” of Orbs.

  • Orbs in video recordings

  • Orbs “painting” fairy-like features

4.2  Other Phenomena

  • Non-Trivial Photographic Phenomena

  • Crop Circles

  • Apparitions

  • Phenomenological Gifts

4.3  Some Thoughts about the UFO Phenomenon

  • Definitions, Context, and Boundaries of this  Discussion

  • Probability regarding Life in the Milky Way Galaxy

  • Probability of Physical UFO Contact within our Galaxy

  • Probability of Life Elsewhere in the Universe

  • UFO as nonphysical phenomenon

  • Is the UFO Phenomenon Related to a Parallel Universe?

4.4  Healing Phenomena

  • Opening up to Spirit-Directed Healing

  • Being in the Flow

  • Experiencing Spirit-Directed Healing

  • Spirit-Directed Healing


  • A New World View

  • “Size” and “Energy” in the Nonphysical Realm

  • Adapting to the Human Perspective

  • The Immensity of the Grand Original Design

  • Concern About the Health of our Planet

  • Why Communiction Via Phenomena?

  • Being Co-Creators

6.        APPENDIX

  • The Energy - Consciousness Process

  • Consciousness

  • The Orb/EVP Experiment

  • Recommendations for Orb Photography



Sample Reading (we selected six chapters):



In preparation for the main part of the book, which deals with phenomena and their interpretation, we start with distinguishing between form and contents. They are an important duality. Both are important elements of the Grand Original Design, which we introduce as a concept by pondering what we mean when we talk about GOD: there is nothing that God is not, and there is nothing that is not God.

In a chapter on Consciousness and Entropy we then elaborate on my understanding as a physicist how we can leap to the plausible hypothesis of the existence of a dualism counterpart to the entire physical reality. We call this counterpart reality “spiritual reality.” ………

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To maximize the “production” of consciousness in a human lifetime, there must be communication between the two aspects of reality. However, certain boundaries are set for the communication from the spiritual to the physical reality. They must assure that we humans are able to grow/evolve out of free will – certainly assisted by guidelines which we may perceive, but unimpeded by direct commands from there to us. We conclude that such communication, therefore, occurs via phenomena, which cannot be explained with current scientific understanding.

We describe that a new paradigm for scientific research is required if we want to make sense of phenomena.

Looking at a wide range of phenomena, from spirit orbs to crop circles to apparitions all the way to UFOs and ETs, we search for commonalities among them. The capability of intelligence on the other side of the veil to produce energies in the 10(-16) Watt-second range, which is evidenced by the orb phenomenon, can plausibly be used for an explanation of all these other phenomena categories, and it can be used to rationalize the important phenomenon which we call spirit-directed healing. 

Keeping in mind the self-evolving intent of the Grand Original Design, we argue that assisting in healing ranks very high on the list of priorities for highly intelligent beings in the nonphysical realm, and we presume that many of the phenomena we are seeing contain messages intended for us that are of the general nature of helping us and our environment and the planet to heal, or to stay healthy. 

Examining in particular the UFO/ET phenomenon gives us clues about the relevance of Earth and humanity within the Grand Original Design.  Making the scientifically realistic assumption that no physical[1] being anywhere in the Universe will ever be able to travel faster than at the speed of light, we conclude that no civilization anywhere in the universe – even though there are likely millions that exist concurrently with us – will ever be able to physically meet up with any other, or with humanity. Each one of this multitude of – presumably intelligent – civilizations in the Universe is, therefore, an independent evolutionary element in the Grand Original Design.

We briefly look at the hypothetical existence of parallel universes and conclude that this argument (of inability of physical UFO/ET-type contact with extraterrestrial civilizations due to speed of light limitations) may not be valid for civilizations that are based in a parallel universe. However, so little is known about parallel universes that we refrain from further speculation about this subject.  

We conclude with remarks about the importance of each human life in the scheme of the Grand Original Design. 


An Appendix is provided which is designed to contribute more depth about:

(1) The Energy —> Consciousness process;

(2) Consciousness as defined in the context of this book;

(3) Communication limitations between the realms; and

(4) Recommendations for Orb Photography.



Spirit orbs, photographic abnormalities, apparitions, crop circles, UFOs, ETs, are these al totally separate occurrences, or is there something that they all have in common?  This question is the underlying basis for this book. We present arguments that there is a commonality between these and other phenomena, and that there is a purpose why we see them. 


Science is beautiful when it makes simple explanations of phenomena or connections between different observations.”                           
Stephen Hawking


I consider it a miracle that I, as a trained physicist with a career in fundamental experimental physics research, most of it done at respectable institutions like NASA and Stanford University, got interested in researching subjects that cannot be explained within the conventional scientific research paradigm and, therefore, traditionally rank in the category of “meaningless anecdotal occurrences.” I prefer to call these subjects “phenomena” and include a wide range of phenomenal experiences in this topic, all the way from spiritual apparitions to light phenomena, such as photographically recorded orbs, to crop circles and even UFOs, as well as to phenomenological – often called “spiritual” – healing. 

Life is full of experiences that cannot be explained with conventional rationale. Everybody encounters them. I have myself witnessed many. Yet most people consider them irrelevant and live as if phenomena would not exist. They deny them, often with great zeal. Many ridicule them or those who give credence to them. 

This attitude of “denial and despise” is a remnant of Newtonian thinking. It is not “modern.” It is not fashionable – or should not be. It is an aging 300-year old paradigm. It is astonishing that the prevailing research principle which is, to this day, adhered to even in the most advanced universities is based on this antiquated paradigm that, if a scientific result cannot be predictably reproduced under careful experimental conditions, it is not considered valid. 

This pertains to the orb phenomenon, crop circles, apparitions, near death experiences (NDEs), out-of-body experiences (OBEs), electronic voice perception (EVP), and even UFOs, as well as countless other experiences that are also falling in the general category of non-human intelligence. All of these cannot be irrefutably reproduced, and therefore the old paradigm excludes them from serious consideration. We discuss some of these phenomena in more detail in the next chapters. 

It is interesting to note that, in most cases, there are groups and organizations dealing exclusively with any one – or one type – of phenomena. We spoke, for example, at several conferences that were specifically organized around the Orb Phenomenon. There were, at the time of this writing, at least 18 active international UFO organizations in 9 countries.[1]  Interests in NDEs are represented by an “International Association for Near-Death Studies.”[2] There are organizations that stage tours and conferences on crop circles.[3] A multitude of organizations and groups are studying spiritual apparitions. Numerous organizations are devoted to the study of Kinesiology. The “Out of Body Experience Research Foundation” (OBERF)[4] reports over 3000 case studies. The list goes on and on. 

All of these groupings focus narrowly on their specific phenomenon. But not much effort is being made to bring these organizations, or at least some of them, under some sort of umbrella.[5] Presumably they are perceived as being very different from each other and having nothing in common. People may give credence to, and interest in, some but not others. I have, for example, talked to people who had absolutely no problem with reports of physical abduction and surgeries in extraterrestrial aircraft, or of ETs living among us, but who voiced serious skepticism about the orb phenomenon.


We argue further on in this book that this individualized, selective approach to phenomena may just be caused by inadequate human perception, perhaps based on our personal education or conditioning. For example, crop circles are huge, while orbs are tiny. Our human conditioning, which emphasizes physical size as a very significant discriminator, would “intuitively” consider the two as totally different – because we are trained to think this way. But if we set aside the concept of physical size, are orbs and crop circles really all that different? In what aspects are they different, and what do they have in common?

I had long been wondering if there is a commonality in all these seemingly very different phenomena, something that would lead to their veracity and their deeper meaning and purpose. Indeed, during the time between that missed UFO/ET symposium and the beginnings of writing this book, some exciting answers to these questions were intuited in my mind, and I feel privileged to communicate them at this time. In the following we will, for better understanding, first present some of these phenomena, and we will then look at the commonalities and the question of meaning of it all.



[3] E.g.,


[5] Rey Hernandez, FREE, is a notable exception.  In his dissertation he has been attempting to find some commonalities among various phenomena (private communication; more references to his work follow).


UFO as nonphysical phenomenon 

UFO and ET-related reports must be re-interpreted. It is not feasible that people can be physically picked up by a “spaceship,” taken to another planet or just kept on the spaceship for some physical time and perhaps some health-related procedure, and then be redelivered into our terrestrial physical reality. We are not stating that such reports are unsubstantiated, but we argue that they likely are misinterpretations.  They are phenomenological, not physical.  They involve nonphysical aspects of human beingness.


 Prior to my realization that it is statistically impossible to be visited by physical beings from a different world, as I described above, I had tentatively divided UFO experiences in two categories, physical and phenomenological. What experiencers predominantly believe ETs to be would only fit in the first of these categories, because there seems to be little doubt that the reports about them implied that they were of a physical nature.  Now that this must be taken out of consideration, it appears that the only reasonable conclusion left to be taken seriously is that UFOs and ETs are nonphysical phenomena.  This is a striking conclusion; one that will certainly not fit well with many ufologists all over the world.  

It is, then, not farfetched to compare the UFO phenomenon with the Orb phenomenon, which we have studied extensively for many years.  There are several interesting commonalities and differences.  Orbs are relatively small and often not well-defined in their contours – as are UFOs. But sometimes, orbs have non-circular outer contours,[1] or very intricate interiorities, for example human-like faces.  We have described this in detail in Orbs, Their Mission and Messages of Hope. Similarly, UFO sightings sometimes include remarkable visual details about the nonhuman “flying” object that was observed.[2]  However, while faces or interiorities inside orbs can be quite intricate, they are not at all as clear as photographs of real physical objects.  The same holds true for typical UFO sightings.

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What is the relevancy of all of this?  It’s huge:

  • It conveys that we, humanity at large, are on our own.  While there are very likely many other intelligent civilizations in other galaxies, even at the very time during which our own, terrestrial civilization – homo sapiens – is peaking, physical contact with any one of them is for all practical purposes impossible.  We will not have to fear being taken over by creatures from another world.  All we have to deal with, and be afraid of, are belligerent adversaries from other countries on our own planet, but not from other planets.  Our problems, big enough as they are, are limited, a known quantity.  There are no unknown monsters out there who might attack us, take away what we have – the enemy is us, is among our own species.

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  • It conveys a feeling of humility, in that we learn that humanity is not the only cognitive species in the Universe, but there may well be, and have been, very many, perhaps billions of other highly evolved civilizations somewhere out there who have similar development potential to that granted to humanity. They are all part of the Grand Original Design – or, depending on one’s religious persuasion, one might say that they are all God’s creation.     

We will pick up this discussion in a subsequent chapter in which we draw conclusions from a large variety of phenomena, including also crop circles, apparitions, and spirit-directed healing. 

[1] One usually sees orbs from the front, as if “looking at you.”  But we have also seen them from the side, as shown in this rare photo (courtesy of Christine Coveney, 2011), where – due to mirroring effects – the camera “happened to” see the orb from the side. The similarity to some sort of “flying saucer” is astonishing.  Note that the photo on the left shows the arrangement: we are inside a room; the photographer is looking at some sort of desk or dresser containing a mirror which creates a reflection of the flash, and the orb – in the top left corner of the photo – is “looking” at the flash coming from that mirror and not, as it would usually be the case, directly into the camera flash.  The right photo shows this orb in large magnification.     

[2] See also the section on “Interiorities of Orbs,” where we show an orb in diamond shape.

[3] See the work of the Dutch professional photographer Ed Vos, who photographed many beautiful, large orbs with his professional emulsion film analog photo-cameras.

[4] This is, for example, corroborated in numerous credible near-death experiences (NDEs), where the experiencers reported having seen their own physicality from afar, such as lying on the operating table and being operated on by physicians. 



It is possible to energetically imprint distinct patterns in the mind of people, just as easily as it would be to imprint orbs on a photographic charge plate, or affect kinking in grains in the making of crop circles, or make cell programming corrections in human organs in the process which we call “spirit-directed healing.


In this part of the book we will elaborate that phenomena can lead us to a new world view – a new concept of the spiritual realm. After a detailed description of what this world view might entail, we talk about the ramifications for us humans and for our planet at large.  As insignificant as we might think we are, we are instruments for the evolution of cosmic consciousness, and as such we take part in evolving the very essence of the underlying Grand Original Design. Given this realization, our planet – even though it is likely only one among many similar ones in the Universe that evolve(d) highly cognitive living species – is an utmost precious cosmic commodity. Preserving it as basis for the continued evolution of consciousness for many future generations is of highest importance.  We argue that this may well be the message which is intended to be imparted on us by those in the nonphysical realm who originate the spectrum of phenomena we discussed in this book.

     A New World View         

…. you and I are co-creators, evolving GOD ….


My most important learning from our experience with the orb phenomenon has been that it shattered my antiquated world view and taught me that a reality beyond the physical realm really exists and is very different from what I had heretofore assumed, which was based on – or influenced by – my Christian-based belief system.

I had never abandoned my conviction that something deeply profound and sacred exists beyond this “life experience.”  But it had become clear to me already as early as in my upper high school years that the worldview of my upbringing is fundamentally flawed.  GOD, I reckoned, must be more than some sort of invisible super-human figure somewhere in the endless skies above or beneath us.  It cannot be that GOD loves some people and condemns others. Divine love must be expected to be indiscriminately extended to everybody -- that is an irrefutable law!  There is no such thing as “heaven” or “eternal condemnation” where some people’s souls find themselves after death.  These are human constructs.  I had given up this unsatisfactory world view decades ago.  But what exactly replaced it had mostly remained undefined.          

The orb phenomenon gave me a new, direct understanding of the possibilities and capabilities of the spiritual realm.  When I realized that the orb phenomenon cannot be fully explained with the “wisdom” of conventional natural sciences, I knew that this is – at least to me – undeniable evidence for the existence of a reality beyond.

Specific conclusions from our orbs research then gave me insights into some of the characteristics of that reality:

  • Energetics: many orders of magnitude lower energies than typical physical energies – the energies to imprint an orb are of the order of 10-16 Ampere-seconds, which is in the “subtle energy” range;

  • Velocities: not limited by the speed of light – velocities in the spiritual realm may be understood as many orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light;

  • Time and Space: there is temporal and spatial omnipresence, as seen from the human perspective – yet processes, defining “before” and “after” situations, still exist);

  • Information Decay: information exists in perpetuity – there is no decay;

  • Intelligence: vastly superior access to the knowledge accumulated over the ages – due to super-high processing speeds and absence of information decay, any information about anything that has ever been experienced, sensed, calculated, invented, achieved is stored and essentially instantaneously retrievable;

  • Individualism: there is individuality also in the reality beyond;

  • Wisdom: much greater than in the physical reality, but nonetheless evolving;

  • Intent: indiscriminately offering help; making every possible attempt to do so;

  • Method: intelligently and incessantly trying to get our attention for their messages;

  • Communication: direct, verifiable inter-reality communication is not permitted.

This gave me the freedom to cast away the antiquated, unrealistic, unfitting Judeo-Christian “Gestalt” of my childhood belief system. It replaced it with a much more majestic, all-encompassing world view than I had ever heretofore believed was possible and permissible. It culminates with the new understanding that we are part of a consciousness-evolving universe, part of a “Grand Original Design” that evolves itself with the help of its own creation, designed such that each element in it contributes to the further enhancement of the Whole.  Simplistically yet poignantly phrased, this means that you and I are evolving GOD. We are co-creators.  


The Immensity of the Grand Original Design 

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”                                                                                 Albert Einstein

The question remains, why is there, apparently, all this attention directed from the nonphysical world toward us?  Looking at the UFO and ET phenomenon, we have learned that individual humans like ourselves are small microcosms in a vast universe.  Why then would it be important for non-human Entities to help us and make us aware that they are caring for us?  If we are insignificant, why would they bother?  The fact that they do show interest in us indicates that, even though small, we do have a not-insignificant role in the “scheme of everything.”  It is an evolutionary role, and it is tied to consciousness.  As insignificant as we are, we are instruments for the evolution of cosmic consciousness, and as such we take part in evolving the very essence of the underlying Grand Original Design.  We have touched on this earlier in this book, and we have said much about it in “Expanding Perception” – we recommend to revert to that book to read more about this train of thought.

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